2024 International Women's Day


Theme: Inclusion in Action

Deadline: March 8th to May 8th


Following the 2024 International Women's Day topic, Tell Magazine invites submissions for the special issue “Inclusion in Action,” which aims to analyze the ongoing pursuit of inclusivity within feminist theory and praxis, its challenges, and critiques.

Including women and marginalized communities in education, leadership, art, policy, employment, and decision-making is crucial for ensuring fundamental human rights. However, contemporary feminist thought emphasizes the insufficiency of mere inclusion in reaching genuine equality. Moving beyond securing a seat at the table, feminism advocates for the dismantling of power structures that dictate representation, silence specific identities, and amplify privileged voices. This requires acknowledging the vast heterogeneity of people’s experiences and celebrating diversity, actively challenging the homogenization of the category “woman.”


We encourage submissions that explore:

  • Intersectional approaches to inclusion, examining how different identities (of class, race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, nationality, or ability) shape inclusion opportunities and challenges for specific groups. 
  • Strategies and frameworks for dismantling barriers and fostering inclusive spaces within feminist movements, institutions, and disciplines.
  • The impact of exclusionary practices on marginalized communities and individuals within the broader spectrum of gender and sexuality.
  • Critiques and analysis of the category “inclusion” from a feminist perspective, especially concerning other concepts like equity, equality, and justice.
  • Creative expressions of inclusion, showcasing diverse perspectives and dialogue across communities.


We welcome submissions in multiple formats, including critical essays, poetry, memoirs, videos, podcasts, art pieces, interviews, and zines.

We encourage students to submit their classwork. Please see the specific details in the submission guidelines


Submissions are open to:

  • University of Iowa graduate students from all programs.


Selection criteria:

  • Submissions must engage with the theme of "Inclusion in Action" and use the multiple frameworks of feminist theory and praxis.
  • Submissions must demonstrate critical thinking, originality, and strong writing/artistic merit.
  • Submissions must adhere to Tell Magazine's formatting guidelines. 
  • Submissions can be single-authored or collaborative.


Please submit your work electronically to You-Tell-Us@uiowa.edu by the deadline. In your message, please include a brief cover letter introducing yourself, your affiliation (if applicable), and a short description of your submission.


Tell Magazine is committed to fostering a platform for diverse voices and perspectives. We encourage submissions from individuals of all backgrounds, identities, and experiences who are passionate about creating a more inclusive world.

Do not hesitate to contact the editorial team at You-Tell-Us@uiowa.edu if you have any questions about this call for submissions. 

We look forward to reading your work!